Here are 6 tips to get you on your way to a cleaner, healthier home.
- Be prompt about removing trash from your home. Waste will only decay as it sits in a trash can. After emptying the fridge of last weeks leftovers, remove it from your home before a slimy, smelly residue is left in your container.
- Keep laundry and other perpetually dirty things off of your floor. A raised laundry basket will allow for easier cleaning with a broom underneath, preventing dirt and dust from piling up and being tracked throughout your home. A shoe rack by the door can alse save many a rug and carpet from discoloring.
- A short weekly routine of wiping down the flat surfaces in your home with a barely moistened cloth will stop dust build up and give the allergy sufferers living there a relief.
- Keep your surfaces free of everlasting clutter. Those “Catch-all” bowls and baskets are much easier to move than dozens of tiny items.
- Avoid cardboard and newspaper for storage, they can become difficult to move, attract unwanted critters and degrade over time. Plastic bins are a great option for all storage needs and can help a garage or closet become cleanable again.
- Make it a point to wipe up hot spot areas routinely. Beside the fridge and stove, trash bins, toilets and eating areas. These tend to account for most bad odors in your home.
For help cleaning your home, contact us today at (972) 941-0734 or email Liliana at